Diversity and Inklusion

Contact Partners and Topics of the Diversity and Inclusion Team
Feel free to contact us.

Email: vielfalt(at)barbershop.de

Julius Biebricher

I am committed to ensuring that LGBTTIAQ+ individuals experience greater levels of acceptance and inclusion in our organization and ensembles. No one should feel belittled or uncomfortable in any way because of their sexual identity or orientation.

I am gay and interested in all LGBTTIAQ+ topics. You are more than welcome to contact me regarding these issues.

Jeremy Connor

Member of Foreign Affair Quartet

As a PoC and a foreigner in Germany, I have unfortunately had a few bad experiences with racism. I would, of course, like such experiences to remain outside of our organization, but I know that even BinG! members can experience racism and/or xenophobia within their choruses and quartets. I am happy to speak with you one-on-one about these issues.

Isha Ertongur-Band

Member of MultiKulti Quartet and Harmunichs

As a German of Turkish heritage, I, (along with my quartet), am trying to make BinG! a little more diverse. It is my wish for all BinG! members that nobody has to feel different or discriminated against while singing/performing.

Feel free to contact me if you feel that you are being treated unfairly or feel uncomfortable in own your skin at BinG! I am also always open to any ideas that would help bring even more nationalities and cultures to our organization in the future.

Dagmar Giersberg

Member of Klangküsse and Heavy Medal

I am interested in the topic of appreciation and am committed to ensuring that all BinG! members feel valued just as they are in both their individual ensembles and the organization as a whole.

I am happy to be contacted about anything that relates to this topic.

Regine Igwe

Member of Happy Hour Quartet

The field of impairments/disabilities and everything related to it has been something I have concerned myself with for many years - both privately and professionally. The definition of disability as an individual characteristic is a concept that I am suspicious of. I understand disability to be the hindrance of participation caused by society.

In addition, the subject area of ethnic groups and racism is important to me. I have some personal experience with the topic, as I have Afro-German children, but I have no professional expertise in this field.

I am happy to be contacted regarding both topics.

Dominik Schaller

Member of Herrenbesuch, SomeSing and Heavy Medal

As a choir director and quartet singer, I concern myself with the selection of appropriate songs. Unfortunately, some of our favorite songs and tags were written during the time of slavery and segregation. The perception of women was also different then than it is today. Therefore, not all barbershop arrangements that were once sung are appropriate to sing today.

I am happy to be approached regarding the topics of inclusive song selection and concert arrangement, as well as working through these issues in your ensembles.