EKBC Birthday Party
Wait a minute - didn't EKBC already celebrate its 30th birthday in 2017?
Every year, BinG! Harmony College requires a great deal of organization, loads of time and lots of know-how. Fortunately, we’ve always been able to find dedicated, diligent helpers, who provide for a structured concept, detailed preparation, and keep everything running smoothly. Most of this happens in the background.
We’d like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce the team:
Simone Knoop:
Lead Organizer, Planning & Execution
Live! Love! Learn! Laugh! … & Sing!
Wonderful experiences, touching peoples heart, learning & improving beyond your imagination, inspiring each other, laughing full of joy ... and singing together: Barbershop offers and means so much to me and has changed my life. It is my pleasure to give back to our barbershop family, by organizing the Harmony College, where we can experience and enjoy all of this together.
Silke Ostendarp:
Faculty & Planning
I caught the barbershop bug 30 years ago, and ever since I have been incurably addicted – not only to these wonderful harmonies and overtones, but also to this truly special community and the feeling of belonging unique to barbershoppers. Through my involvement with BinG! and with the Harmony College team, especially, I would like to do my part to inspire even more people to sing with us, and to offer them the best opportunities for training by bringing in top-flight coaches and interesting coaches every year.
Franziska Dickhut:
Housing & Accommodation
Barbershop manages to bring together people from all kinds of backgrounds, to create a harmonious and positive atmosphere, and to immediately make everyone feel that they are part of a community. This community is especially great at BinG!, and it’s an unparalleled honor and joy to be part of this family.
Julia Moldenhauer:
Registration & Participants Support
Barbershop is the perfect hobby for me, because it combines two of my favorite things: singing and getting to know new people from all over the world. That’s why it’s no problem at all to give up a bit of my free time to make this art form better known in Germany, and keeping with the new “Everyone in Harmony” motto.
Hélène Moëlo:
Songs, Registration & Participants Support
Does it always have to be barbershop? I love all kinds of music. Soft, loud, strident ... as long as it‘s GOOD! I joined the Harmony College team because I want to keep such events alive and growing. My task? Sorting, search, finding, and getting the singers everything they need. I help with registration where I can, and take care of the marvelous songs we will be singing in the choruses. Indeed ... but no – tormenting me will get you nowhere! I’m incorruptible! I won’t say a word!
À bientôt pour chanter un “Tag”!
Kerstin Gärtner:
Evening- and Show Program
Having caught the barbershop bug back in 2000, I’ve sung in a chorus and several quartets, taught barbershop courses and even directed a chorus. I’ve enjoyed taking care of the on-site organization of BinG! Harmony College for several years now, starting back in Olpe. For personal reasons this will be my last year in the HC team.
Mareike Meise:
Travelplanning for the Faculty
For 13 years I have been singing with the Harmunichs, where I had my first contact with barbershop. Since then I’ve succumbed to barbershop fever: in addition to various quartets, three years ago I also joined the No Borders Show Chorus. What thrill me most are the international community and the joy of generating enthusiasm for our hobby. At all of the many conventions and choruses I have visited, I have always received a warm welcome. Since I love to travel myself, it was my pleasure to take on the task of travel planning for our coaches.
Susan Richter:
Translation & Equipment
I found barbershop relatively late, after years of singing intermittently with jazz ensembles, Broadway musicals, operettas and various classical project choirs. The challenge of making every chord ring – without the comfort of hiding behind sheet music – proved irresistible. Having attended every BinG! Harmony College since 2001, I wanted to offer my active support to this great community and this first-class event!
Lisa Massaro:
Facebook PR
I found barbershop nearly three years ago, when I was able to start singing again with Munich Show Chorus in September 2015. After a few weeks, all everyone was talking about was Oberwesel, and I asked myself – who or what is that?
After participating in the two following years (which flew by in a flash!) I thought it would be great to support this cool organizing team and this wonderful workshop. Besides, after the BinG! Barbershop Music Festival in April, I had some free marketing capacity ;) Just as much as I’ve enjoyed the incredible flood of registering participants and the interaction with BinG! members, I look forward to the eventful days awaiting us in October!
Start: Thursday, 4 October, 15 Uhr
Arrival:from 1 pm (rooms may be occupied starting at 2 pm)
End: Sunday, 7 October, ca. 3 pm
More information:www.barbershop.de/HC
or at https://www.facebook.com/events/915153901978555/
Wait a minute - didn't EKBC already celebrate its 30th birthday in 2017?
Finally singing again. Finally a concert again. This inspired not only the singers of the Erster Kölner Barbershop Chor, but above all the residents of the senior citizens' residence am Dom, to whom the male choir presented an unusual open-air concert in front of their own balcony.
May we introduce ourselves?
What does a choir do that is not allowed to sing together. A workshop report from MissHarmony - Barbershop-Choir from Erkrath