You would like to found a quartet?
Then you've come to the right place. We are happy to help you with your vision! On this page you will find a lot of helpful information below, which can help you to form your quartet.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
You want to try Barbershop with your friends? Then...

...get the free starter pack!
We will send you a free digital starter pack with a brief overview of the barbershop style, vocal technique, range and transposition, intonation and interpretational aspects. In addition, several pieces sorted by difficulty, including sheet music and audio learning files!
...get free sheet music and practice files!
The Barbershop Harmony Society offers free sheet music and practice files for download, try it out today!
...attend online courses of the BHS!
The Barbershop Harmony Society offers a wealth of training opportunities via its online channel at a reasonable price, for our members even with a discount!Our association offers numerous events where you can find your new fellow singers:

The Harmony College
Our annual Harmony College is the central BinG! training facility. You can sing in one of the choruses, attend classes and maybe you'll find singers for your quartet here!The European Harmony Brigade
There you will get in touch with many other barbershop enthusiasts and maybe find the right people for your quartet.
The Tag-Weekend
Up to 30 enthusiastic singers come together here to spontaneously sing Barbershop-Tags, and maybe you'll also get to know your new quartet?You've already got four singers together? Then you should...

...register your quartet at BinG!
On the following page you have the possibility to register your quartet at BinG! We are a colorful and lively association, which offers its members many achievements, and at the same time attaches great importance to the community.
...attend our Harmony College as a quartet.
As a quartet you will receive over 4 days coaching and courses, and if you wish you can take part in a quartet competition. Don't worry, we won't bite!