Would you like to start a new choir?
Then you've come to the right place. We are happy to help you with your vision! On this page you will find a lot of helpful information below, such as a starter package, free music, online training etc., which can help you with your mission.
You need direct support to found a choir?
Just get in touch with us:

Register your choir at BinG!
On the following page you have the possibility to register your choir at BinG! We are a colourful and lively association that offers its members many services and at the same time attaches great importance to the community.
Visit our Harmony College
Whether arriving alone or with several people, our annual Harmony College is the central BinG! Offer for further education. We provide many courses to support you in your choir formation and development.
Book a coaching
All beginnings are difficult! Therefore we support your choir with professional coaching by experienced BinG! coaches.
Free sheet music in german
We offer free sheet music and learning tracks for simple german songs in the barbershop style!
Free sheet music and practice files
The Barbershop Harmony Society offers free sheet music and practice files for download, try it out today!