New BinG! board

On October the 1st the BinG! board has been completed in the society meeting in Oberwesel. Gabriele Rösing will continue to serve as society president, Maximilian Hilz has been reelected as vice-president. After two more election rounds the board has been completed: Franziska Schmidt will serve as CEO and Anna Taferner will hold the role of treasurer succeeding Cathrin Zeh, who unfortanetly had to to resign as of personal reasons.

The team is looking forward to a fresh start. After the election Gabriele Rösing thanked the members of the comitees for their ongoing engagement and work: "After Renate Glocke's resignation at the out of the row society meeting in May, the board had three members, who familiarized with the fields of service. We are proud of the accomplishments of those four months - but with more heads we will be able to realise more plans and ideas and establish BinG! even more in the Barbershop world."

other news

Not the first best...

We are the "Erster Kölner Barbershop Chor" and have also successfully participated in the casting of the Best Choir in the West. Nevertheless we are not looking for the first best!

We like to spice up our performances with the Cologne way of life and a lot of humor. Nevertheless, we are seriously searching!