In close alignment with the Healthy Chapter Initiative of BHS, the BinG! choruses have the opportunity to give their chorus a future orientation supported by all chorus members through the Chorus Leadership Coaching Programme.
About the Coaching
Reasons for the implementation can be: Growth problems or initiatives, promotion of young talents, management team changes, chorus anniversaries, or simply the feeling that the choral work needs a fresh impulse or clarification whether the initiatives of the management team still correspond to the wishes and goals of the entire chorus. The programme is basically suitable for being repeated at reasonable intervals (e.g. every 2 years or on a given occasion).
The core of the programme is the identification of the chorus identity. This is worked out by all chorus members and summarised in themes. How satisfied the chorus members are with various aspects of rehearsal work and choral initiatives (such as coaching, performances and participation in competitions) is determined by a supplementary online survey. The programme also includes accompanying strategic coaching with the management.
You would like to book a coaching?
Our leadership coaches will be happy to come to you!
Financially, we ask you to cover the travel costs and, if necessary, accommodation, and if possible, to send a donation of your choice to the coaching team.
Interest aroused? Then simply contact us at: