New Board for BinG!

On 05.10.2018 the BinG! general meeting has elected a new BinG! board. After the 2-year term of General Manager Franziska Dickhut ended, she did not let herself be put up for election again. President Gabriele von Rauch and treasurer Anna Taferner resigned outside of their term of office. Also the vice president had to be re-elected after the end of the 2-year term. With very clear results, the BinG! members have elected a new board, which is now looking forward to the challenges of the coming years.

BinG! board starting 6th Ocotber 2018

President: Maximilian Hilz.

Vice President: Lucas Bitzer

General Manager: Constanze Jäger

Treasurer: Julia Moldenhauer


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Coaching Apprentice Program

Unsere eigenen BinG! Talente zu fördern, BinG! Quartette und Chöre sowie BinG! als Verband weiterzuentwickeln liegt uns am Herzen. "Wir", das sind der Vorstand, das Education Team & das Harmony College Team und wir freuen uns sehr darüber, im diesjährigen Harmony College erstmalig ein Coaching Apprentice Program (CAP) anbieten zu können.